Handling of personal information

Established: July 7, 2004
Revised: April 1, 2024
Yousuke Takahashi, Chief Executive Officer, Atlas Co., Ltd.

Recognizing its social responsibility for protecting the personal information it handles, Atlas creates a personal information protection management system to protect the rights of the information entity, comply with laws and regulations concerning personal information, and embody the following policies. Atlas declares that it will keep improving its personal information protection management system with the whole company, focusing on the latest movements of IT technology, changes in social requirements, and fluctuations in the business environment.

  1. Atlas will gather and use personal information only for accomplishment of its legal business operations and employment and within the range necessary for human resources management. It will also take and accurately implement the measures necessary for not using such information for purposes other than those specified.
  2. Atlas will implement reasonable safety measures to prevent and correct risks of unauthorized access to, leakage, loss, and falsification of, and damage to personal information (Including personal information that we have obtained or are about to obtain) and keep improving its personal information security system by using its business resources suitable for the actual situation of its business operation.
  3. Atlas will follow laws and regulations, and the central government’s guidelines and criteria concerning personal information protection. Atlas also complies with the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) for personal information obtained from the residents in the EEA (European Economic Area).
  4. Atlas will appoint a manager in charge of handling of personal information to thoroughly execute its personal information protection policy.
  5. Atlas will have a contact point that sincerely handles complaints and consultation over the handling of personal information.
  6. Atlas will review and keep improving its personal information protection management system appropriately and as necessary in response to changes in the environment surrounding it, including social conditions and the movements of IT technology.

These policies will be thoroughly disseminated to all executives and employees to educate and enlighten the employees and always raise their awareness of personal information protection.

Purpose of using personal information

Atlas will collect and use, within the scope that is necessary, personal information, such as names, affiliations, addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses, for the work stated below and for accomplishment of the purposes of use. That personal information will be used within the scope of the purposes below and will not be used beyond the scope of those purposes without obtaining the relevant person’s agreement.

Business operation

  • System entrusted development, operation, and maintenance
  • Development and operation of web service
  • Construction and maintenance of network
  • Atlas employee screening and employment management

Purposes of use

Purposes of use of personal information related to customers

  • To exercise the rights or fulfill obligations based on contracts and laws concerning Atlas’s business operations
  • For responding to customers from whom inquiries are received, providing materials about Atlas’s business, and providing guidance about seminars
  • For provision of inquiry surveys, replies, and support for Web services
  • For improving Atlas’s services and developing new services based on the results of analysis of users’ state of use of Atlas’s services
  • For appropriate and smooth execution of entrusted business operations if entrusted by other operators with the whole or partial processing of personal information
  • For appropriate and smooth execution of dealing with customers, including communication over a deal or sending greeting cards

Purposes of use of personal information related to board members, employees, and job applicants

  • To ensure Atlas’s security, such as use of and access to computer systems
  • For Atlas’s hiring selection, contact, and personnel management after hiring
  • For employment management, such as employees’ personnel matters and general affairs, and for contact and safety confirmation in an emergency

Provision of personal information to third parties

Excluding cases that are allowed based on laws and ordinances, Atlas will not provide personal information to third parties without obtaining the customer’s agreement in advance.

Consignment of handling of personal information

In a case in which handling personal information will be consigned to an external party, Atlas will use an agreement to create an obligation so that efforts for appropriate safety management will be made, and it will conduct appropriate supervision.

The company that handles personal information

Atlas Co., Ltd.
9F, 45th Kowa Building, 1-15-19 Minami Aoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 107-0062,Japan
Yousuke Takahashi, Chief Executive Officer

Procedures for making public or correcting personal information

Atlas responds to requests for disclosure, change, and suspension of use of personal information to be made public from the owner of the information or a representative of the owner.

Documents to be submitted to request disclosure

Document issued by a public institution within three months before, driver’s license, health insurance card (or copy), or bill (for disclosure, change, or suspension of use) that can identify the individual. *Please redact your legal domicile with a permanent marker. I appreciate your cooperation.

Documents to be submitted when your representative requests disclosure

Document issued by a public institution within three months before, driver’s license, health insurance card (or copy), or bill (for disclosure, change, or suspension of use) that can identify the individual, letter of attorney for representative, and document of a public institution that proves the identity of the representative. *Please redact your legal domicile with a permanent marker. I appreciate your cooperation.

Response to request for disclosure

After information confirmation at Atlas, a reply will be made by postal mail that can only be received by the relevant person, or a reply will be made by a method of attaching an electromagnetic record to an email and sending it to the email address stated in an invoice (provided, however, that when disclosure by the latter method is difficult, Atlas will give notification of that fact and then reply by the prior method).

Purpose of using personal information gathered by request for disclosure

The information will be used only to meet the request and will be promptly disposed of after responding to the request.

Commission for request for disclosure

Expenses for disclosure will not be charged for the time being but may be charged depending on the future development of the business operation.

Address to which documents for requesting disclosure

Personal Information Disclosure Section, Atlas Co., Ltd.
9F, 45th Kowa Building, 1-15-19 Minami Aoyama, Minato-ku , Tokyo, 107-0062, Japan

Consultation or complaint over handling of personal information

In addition to the address for disclosure request, contact the following address for consultation or complaint:

Personal information customer desk
Personal information customer desk, Atlas Co., Ltd.
9F, 45th Kowa Building, 1-15-19 Minami Aoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 107-0062,Japan
E-mail: privacyatatlas.jp

Reconsideration of the policy

Excluding cases in which there are stipulations in a law or ordinance, Atlas shall be able to change its personal information protection policy at any time.

Use status and analysis of website

Use of Google Analytics

Google’s Google Analytics is used to grasp and analyze how the Atlas’s website (https://www.atlas.jp) and the web services run by Atlas are used. Collection and use of access information by Google Analytics are prescribed by Google’s privacy policy.

Google Analytics can be disabled from the following Google Analytics opt-out add-on page:
Google Analytics opt-out add-on


GENIEE MA supplied by Geniee, Inc. is used to grasp and analyze how Atlas’s website (https://www.atlas.jp) is used. Collection and use of access information by GENIEE MA are prescribed by Privacy policy of Geniee, Inc..

GENIEE MA can be disabled from the following page: